In The Presence

I can hardly believe how time has flown while I have been visiting my Mom! In some ways, it feels like I haven't even gotten here yet, and it is already time to go. The weather has been spectacular, the lake and surrounding country is beautiful, and I am thankful for the time I have had with my family. 

6" x 6"
Painted with the finest quality acrylic heavy-body paint on Art Bite panel
Ready to frame

Returning to my series on Psalm 23, I noticed that this composition made me think of safety in the presence of a threat. The large, dark shape seems to overhang the quieter ground. At first, I indicated some sheep at the point of the large purple shape, but I did not like how it worked together with the rest of the painting. Still, I like how the concept from this verse seems to speak for itself in this work.
Psalm 23:5a  Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:

I pray for you and for me that we will be very aware of the presence of our Great Shepherd - even if we find ourselves in the presence of our enemies!

Coram Deo.
