In the Morning

In the Morning 
 I worked on a lot of paintings today in my studio, and made progress on some, and not much progress on others. This one was the one I wanted to work on for today's release, though, and I just could not see how to finish it! I had worked on the underneath layers for several days, and liked it pretty well, but I knew that it just wasn't done. 

The last couple of days have felt extraordinarily busy, though I think it is really just getting back into a somewhat normal flow of events. Yesterday I took paintings to enter an exhibit* in a town an hour away, and I have had more than my usual amount of computer work, though I cannot quite figure out why. Maybe it just takes longer because I am out of practice. 

On these busier than normal mornings of late, I just want to get to "my spot", the chair where I read my Bible and pray. When I see that typed out, it looks so churchy and goody-two-shoes (do people still use that expression?), but it is absolutely true. 

11" x 14"
Painted with the finest quality heavy-body acrylic paint on acid-free, heavy weight Fabriano watercolor paper
Ready to frame

When I woke this morning, I had a landscape ahead of a long to-do list and many distractions. But after sending my Beloved Husband on his way to work, I came to my chair, and let those things wait. The one thing on my horizon, so to speak, was spending time with my Heavenly Father.  

Psalm 5:3 In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice;
In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch.

*In the last month,  a whole bunch of good things have happened! The paintings I delivered are for the first real-live-in-person exhibit since COVID happened, and one of my pieces won an Honorable Mention. WOOT! And there are a couple more coming up that I will be able to participate in. 
Also, I heard today that one of my paintings is accepted in an INTERNATIONAL exhibit, and I will know next week sometime whether I won an award in that competition. (It is an online exhibit, and I will share the link when I get it.) 
AND also, 8 paintings have sold in the last 2 weeks. Eight! Oh my goodness... I am grateful. 
