New Every Morning #19

New Every Morning #19
It is a beautiful, sunny day in Indiana - something that actually doesn't happen very often here! I mean, we have beautiful days in the winter, but they are usually beautiful CLOUDY days. As I look out the window that overlooks our pasture, I see a bright blue sky, with dark trees, green and golden grasses, white snow and purple ice on the pond. 

6" x 6"
Painted with the finest quality acrylic heavy-body paint on Art Bite panel

Two of the paint tubes I used for this one, Cobalt Teal by Golden and Quinacridone Red, also a Golden heavy body paint, are almost full and have no smudges on the paint tubes. This is pretty uncommon in my studio! These are colors that I have not used enough yet to know their characteristics very well, and that makes them fair game for my daily painting series. (Practice makes familiar, if not perfect!) They are both transparent colors, which I LOVE. I feel like the transparent paints tend to add depth and richness to paintings. 

My New Every Morning series emphasizes (for me) the benefits of daily painting - the opportunity to become familiar with new colors, compositions, and characteristics of my materials. It also reminds me of the benefits of daily time with my Heavenly Father in prayer and Bible reading. I am becoming familiar with Him, and the practice of enjoying His presence brings me face to face to the One Who is Perfect! After all, "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23


  1. The touches of black in this painting are absolutely magical!


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