Hiding Place

Hiding Place

I used to be the one who mowed at our house. I loved mowing! Not so much the dirt and debris in my eyes and the cold or heat, but I loved making something look so neat and tidy, and knowing that it would stay that way for at least a day or two! One day while mowing, I paid extra attention to little holes that were at the bottoms of some of the trees on our property. I took pictures of them and saved them as reference photos for my art because they seemed to say something to me - to have a story of some kind. 

24" x 24"
Painted with artist quality heavy-body acrylic paint on 1.5” deep gallery wrapped canvas

I have been working on a pair of new paintings for a while now in my studio, and I think they are finally ready to release! They are so similar to each other, and will work well either as a diptych or individually. They both are paintings about being hidden or covered from danger.

In real life, the white areas of this painting, especially the parts with shadowed color on the edges, feel like places to go, like caves or hideouts. It feels like you could go back in there and have an adventure, or maybe hide when playing Hide and Seek. 

We have had storms here for the last few days, and our huge old hickory tree that is such a dominant part of our yard keeps throwing down large branches. It can be a bit intimidating, because if the whole tree fell, it is big enough to severely damage our whole house! It reminded me again of the photos I took when mowing. These little holes must be safe places for little furry "people" during the storms, don't you suppose? They must be places of refuge. 

Psalm 32:7
You are a hiding place for me;
you preserve me from trouble;
you surround me with shouts of deliverance. Selah

Psalm 119:114
You are my hiding place and my shield;
I hope in your word.

I have been reading in the Psalms lately, and have been slowly going through Psalm 119. It is a  l  o  n  g   psalm, and almost every verse mentions God's word. This chapter has been a refuge for me during the last week! 
