All Dressed Up

My computer is in the shop, and I am having a tough time getting all of my online work done using my Beloved Husband's computer! I feel like it shouldn't be so hard... 

Over the weekend, while working sans computer, I painted another really fun little work that I called All Dressed Up. There are several things that the title brings to mind, and each seems to fit with the painting quite well.

11" x 14"
Painted with the finest quality heavy-body acrylic paint on acid-free, heavy weight Fabriano watercolor paper
Ready to frame

First, it is just such a fun painting, with colors and shapes that remind me of play. And it was fun to paint, believe me! What memories come to your mind when you think of dressing up? 

I have my sister and brother in mind, and black and white photos of the three of us with my poor brother having been adorned as "the bride" by my sister and me. I don't remember a lot of dressing up as a kid, but we grew up without a television and became quite creative and resourceful in finding our own fun, so there probably were lots of times of dressing up. I also remember building forts, making little homes in the undergrowth for imaginary tiny people, lots of reading and bike riding, and (when I was older) canoeing and skating. 

But another idea that comes to mind fits more with the current status of so many people and places - All Dressed Up, and no place to go. I guess in that case it would have to be called a pandemic painting. 'They' say that the virus is spreading more rapidly again due to a fatigue - I cannot remember quite what it is called so I will call it plague fatigue. Anyway, I know I am so ready to be able to go to art exhibits and maybe the movie and sing without a mask and so many other things, and I am sure that if there is such a thing as plague fatigue, I HAVE GO IT! So while this painting was a lot of fun to paint, it also felt almost bittersweet. 

You know, I don't know if 'they' are right or wrong about all of this (who does!?), but oh my goodness am I ever thankful that I know Who is right and True and Faithful. It brings my soul such a place of refuge. 

This morning as I read in the Old Testament I found a verse that reminded me of Who is in control - of me and of every situation. King David was old and was giving instruction to his successor, his son Solomon. 1 Chronicles 28: 20 Then David said to his son Solomon, “Be strong and courageous, and act; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you until all the work for the service of the house of the Lord is finished. I love that David told his son not to fear, because God would make sure His purposes were completed. It reminded me that He still will make sure His purposes are completed. 

So, I am All Dressed Up and I will be strong and courageous and act, knowing that God will not fail me. 
