In Passing

In Passing

 You are going to love this blog post, especially if you are a friend that needs to 'figure out' my paintings! (I am speaking a little bit facetiously.) I cannot explain the title for this painting at all. But, I know it is the right title for it. How's that for giving you the keys to understanding my art? 

I can tell you a couple of things about it. I have 'broken the rules' in a couple of places on this one, and I have decided that I like it that way and I will keep it. For one thing, I have used two main elements - the swirly shapes - in the piece. The 'rule' says that odd numbers are more pleasing. And I usually agree! 

8" x 8"
Painted with artist quality heavy-body acrylic paint on 1.5” deep gallery wrapped canvas

Also, my design and composition are running off the canvas. This can be very distracting, certainly, but again, in this piece, I like it this way. Are you familiar with these design principles that I have, um, ignored? 

The painting is very shiny and looks like a jewel in the right light. I also am reminded of fossils and finding ruins or artifacts of times past. Sometimes I think I see a prism or a rainbow in it too. Texture varies from a coarser, rough surface to a slick refractive surface. As you might guess, I am using this smaller work in preparation for (drum roll please) a new body of work that I have started. I don't know about you, but I can hardly wait to see how it all turns out!

Today one of the exhibits that I am part of will have their (virtual) reception. I look forward to seeing other art, seeing how the reception is managed, and seeing who wins awards! Also today, a family member is trying something new, and I look forward to seeing how that works out too! In fact, I can hardly wait. 

I hope your day is lovely, and guess what?! We had some rain today! Woo-hoo!
