New Every Morning #39

New Every Morning #39
There have been those times in my life that I know I will never forget - the times that everything else fits around. "That was BEFORE we moved to Indiana..." or "after we closed the coffee shop". Well, just like you, I am in another of those times now, and we are all in it together - even globally. The odd thing about this time is, time seems to have completely changed. I cannot ever remember a month passing so slowly, even when I was on complete bed-rest when I was pregnant with my son and then also with my daughter. Is our globe spinning at a different rate?

Today's painting starts with a composition that shows a heavy, overpowering shape with surprising bright areas showing through. And even with the competing complements of green and red, there is a kind of cohesiveness and flow - my eye wants to see what is in each area of the painting. 

6" x 6"
Painted with the finest quality acrylic heavy-body paint on hand-made, prepared wood panel
Ready to frame

Click here to purchase via my website.

I have heard of the most amazing instances of beauty coming out from under the heaviness of this virus situation. I am almost always brought to tears when I learn of companies offering services free, making needed medical supplies by retooling their factories, people shopping for their neighbors who cannot get out, "bear hunts" organized in neighborhoods, drive-by birthday parties... so many things. And many families learning how to live together and love each other in tough times. These things are bright spots in these days. 

During this unprecedented (for everyone living now) time, I and many people that I know have pressed harder and harder into Scripture reading and prayer, finding comfort in the presence of GOD who knows us, and cares for us. I cannot even begin to imagine going through such difficult days if I did not know Him, and know that He is good and able to bring about good in our fallen world. 

Again, too, I rely on this particular promise. Lamentations 3:22-23
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." 
