
If you follow me very closely, you know that almost a year ago, in May, my family and I went to Alaska. It was a trip of a lifetime, when our adult kids put their lives on hold and joined my Beloved Husband and me for a long drive in an RV, and a short time in the beautiful frontier of Alaska. During the time that we were often unable to be in touch with anyone because of lack of internet and cell service, my father-in-law passed away. As you might imagine, it was such a difficult time, and our memories of Alaska are definitely and permanently colored by this stress and sorrow that are inextricably tied with our mental pictures of that beautiful place. 

In spite of the hardships of our trip (four adults living for weeks in a too small RV, lack of contact through phone and internet, loss), there were good things that came about. We battled through some communication roadblocks. We took the opportunity to love each other when we behaved in unlovable ways. We shared beauty that we found outside our windows. We discovered strength and capabilities in each other that we had suspected, but had never proved. And, most importantly, we took the time daily to be in the presence of God, and His beautiful creation. My favorite memories of the trip are the times we, as a family, sat around the tiny RV table and read a Bible passage and sang an acapella hymn together.

4" x 4"
Painted with the finest quality heavy-body acrylic paint on acid-free, heavy weight Fabriano watercolor paper
Framed in simple white frame

Click here to view via my website.

Right now, you and I and all of us are putting our lives on hold to visit this new frontier, "social distancing". We are out of touch with each other in a physical sense and it may be a long journey before we can experience any of the beauty of the situation. Our memories, and the memories we communicate to and share with our loved ones will probably be inextricably tied with the stress, loss, and sorrow of distance and the unknown. Oh, dear friends, there will be beauty. There will be important things gained. Our Creator knew this situation was coming, and it is part of His good plan for us.

Psalm 46:1-3 (HCSB)
God is our refuge and strength,
a helper who is always found
in times of trouble.
Therefore we will not be afraid,
though the earth trembles
and the mountains topple
into the depths of the seas,
though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with its turmoil. Selah


  1. I love your painting! I'm sorry for your loss. You are the second blogger that I've read today (I haven't been on for quite awhile) who is going through a loss along with this unprecedented time of isolation and uncertainty. We are blessed to have faith in the One who oversees us all with love and compassion. Lean in, lean hard. Jan

    1. Thank you! I was thinking today about how awful it must be to not know that the one Who is GOOD, loves us, and is all powerful has everything in His hands. Thankful!


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