New Every Morning #38

New Every Morning #38
Here we are, all of us, in an unprecedented situation. It seems that daily, new restrictions are arising, and new questions come to my mind, as I am sure they do to yours. I am daily, or maybe hourly or even continuously, returning to the knowledge that MY HEAVENLY FATHER IS NOT SURPRISED. He is good, He loves me (and you), and He will cause "all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

New Every Morning #38 is my newest addition to my series of small paintings, and it expresses some of what I have been feeling. I think it feels a little stormy, and maybe eerie, but it is a traditional format - almost an abstract landscape - and I am using that to show that even in stormy, eerie, unprecedented days, God is still absolutely solid. 

6" x 6"
Painted with the finest quality acrylic heavy-body paint on Art Bite panel
Ready to frame

Click here to purchase via my website.

As so many are spending a lot of time at home and are bored (if only!), I find that my hours are fuller than usual. My time on the internet has probably tripled, because I have chosen to give away some art during this time, as you know if you subscribe to my newsletter. I think it was a God-given idea, and I am absolutely delighted for the opportunity to share my work with so many, but uff-da! (pardon my Minnesotan) it has been a lot of work!

We are dealing with some difficulties with extended family being far away, and with other things that everyone else is facing (though we do have enough toilet paper, I am thankful to say!). In this crazy, unexpected time, this verse that is the basis for this painting series is still true. 
Lamentations 3:22-23
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."
