New Every Morning #20

New Every Morning #20
I am still celebrating being back in my studio! Today I decided to revisit some of my studies in order to work on some new larger pieces. I worked on the Lemon Tree concept today, but I think there is still a ways to go with that one. I actually worked on four pieces - I am so glad I can have more than one painting underway at a time. 

6" x 6"
Painted with the finest quality acrylic heavy-body paint on Art Bite panel
Ready to frame

Click here to view on my website.

I have mentioned before how much the practice of a daily painting - a warm-up, you might say - helps me. It is great to have small substrates ready to work on to get myself going when I see all of my paint and (ahem) mess. And I also love the theme that I have chosen to work with on these daily works. I am reminded that no matter how much I have messed up yesterday, and even if none of my paintings works today, and when I don't accomplish what I hope to tomorrow, still He has everlasting mercy and love for me. It is incredible.

Lamentations 3:22-23
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."
