A calendar and a bucket...

Iron Sharpens Iron
"We would like to inform you that your image, Iron Sharpens Iron has been selected for use in the 2018-19 Christian Seasons Calendar as the cover image. Congratulations!" This was the first line of an exciting email I received a few weeks ago. I have had a couple of happy things lately, and I just could hardly wait to share them with you! 

The Christian Seasons calendar is a "liturgical calendar for the Christian year" published in Canada. Artists from around the world have art in the current edition, and I feel honored to be part of such an interesting project! When it is released, I will let you know here on my blog. 

Iron Sharpens Iron is now sold, but you may see it  on my website here

24" x 36"
Painted with artist quality heavy-body acrylic paint on gallery wrapped canvas
Ready to frame

In the Beginning - part of my workshop application
Another great email made my day earlier this week: "We are pleased to let you know that your application has been accepted for the Infinite Grace Artist's Workshop & Retreat with Makoto Fujimura this August." This is HUGE for me!!! In fact, I think you could call it a bucket list item. (Something I want to do before I kick the bucket...) This event will be on Cape Cod, a place I have never visited, and I am so looking forward to it!

In the Beginning was one of the works I submitted for consideration for this workshop. It is now sold, but you may see it on  my website here

10" x 10"
Painted with the finest quality heavy-body acrylic paint on hand-made, prepared cradled wood panel
