Flood Stage

Flood Stage
Around here, we are in a spring flood stage right now. Water seems higher than some years, and my Beloved Husband and I have taken a couple of opportunities to take walks where we can see the rushing water. 

$310.00 plus shipping and handling
11" x 14"
Painted with the finest quality acrylic heavy-body paint on canvas panel
Ready to frame

One spring, when friends were starting to do more plein air painting (painting outside), I started to feel the strong wish to paint some of the beautiful areas where they were painting. I painted one of the water ways, and it turned out well - soft and spring-like and dreamy looking. Well, this time I didn't want that softness to show up in this painting, so I made some changes to communicate some of the characteristics I am seeing this spring. 

First, I chose a different, limited palette of colors to work with. I am still using my favorite Golden Heavy Body acrylics, but this time I chose three colors that I don't usually grab when I am going to paint something recognizable. I chose anthraquinone blue, quinacridone red, and cadmium yellow dark, plus titanium white, and to further limit my painting, I painted it all with palette knives. I am so pleased with the way these choices gave my painting a different feel! 

Psalm 29:1-4
 Ascribe to the Lord, you heavenly beings,
ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name;
worship the Lord
in the splendor of his holiness.
The voice of the Lord is above the waters.
The God of glory thunders—
the Lord, above the vast water, 
the voice of the Lord in power,
the voice of the Lord in splendor.

This morning as I started my Bible reading time in front of the big windows that overlook our woods, I watched a thunderstorm roll in across the pasture. There were tumbling, rushing clouds, driving winds, and flashes and crashes from the storm. The weather felt like a picture of our tumbling, rushing, driving, crashing spring this year. I saw huge black birds hanging on the strong winds above the woods right before the storm broke, and the thought came that I would like to be one that rides the storm like that. I don't feel like I am one of those who is soaring above these days, but I do know the One who made the storm, and I know that He is ultimately able to make me soar. May I (and you) trust and hope in Him. 

Coram Deo.
