Upcoming exhibit

Today's blog post is different from my usual posts, for two reasons. First, my Beloved Husband has undergone significant shoulder surgery, and we are both exhausted with keeping up with pain control and all of the other things that go along with that. We have had good medical care, and kind friends praying and reaching out to help us, and we are so grateful. But, I must admit, we are tired too.  (All of you who have been through this sort of thing can no doubt identify with us!)

The second reason is a lot more fun! I have been invited to exhibit with two other artists in a beautiful gallery space in Warsaw, IN called 'the gallery at rua'. I have had work there before, and it was a really delightful experience. The curator does beautiful work on the exhibits and the promotion, and the receptions are so pleasant. I would highly recommend you come to the artist reception Friday, February 7, 6:00 - 8:00.

The exhibit is called 'the texture of color', and these two artists do different styles of art from mine, and are highly respected. I really hope you can come! 
