Playing catch up (again!)

Sold in September 2019
Well, I am beginning to think I need either an assistant or an intern to help me catch up with everything! This is a good 'problem' to have, I know. I had an amazing September, as far as art is concerned. Here is a collage of the pieces that sold in September. Pretty impressive, wouldn't you say? 

Overflowing Hope, also sold
Oh! I forgot to add this painting to the collage of sold work. It has been a favorite for a long time! 

Expectations, in national abstract exhibit
I just sent this painting to Indianapolis for the SALI NATIONAL ABSTRACT ART EXHIBITION XV. This is a juried competition for abstract painting that I have enjoyed being part of for the last several years. 

Benediction, headed to Denver!

Last week I learned that my painting Benediction is accepted into a juried show in collaboration with the Makers & Mysics Podcast - which I am extraordinarily excited about! This exhibit will take place in Denver, CO, and my only disappointment is that I will be unable to attend the program because I will be in Raleigh, NC for another art event. (I hope something changes so that I can go to Denver!)

Along with all of this, I have a new and exciting opportunity to rent out my work to a fabulous local realtor for staging homes for sale! This is entirely new for me, and is such a privilege. 

So, with posting, paperwork, shipping, applying, delivering, traveling... I am running short of painting time! Like I mentioned, it is a good problem to have! 

Talk to you soon!
Coram Deo. 
