Set Apart

This third painting of the collection I recently finished is possibly my favorite one of the bunch, though to tell the truth, the favorite status changes with the day and my mood. I really like how all three turned out. Each is highly textured, and has a broad range of values, lines, shapes, and even includes metallic gold paint. They work so well as a group, but each also stands on its own. 

$100 plus shipping and handling
6" x 6"
Painted with artist quality heavy-body acrylic paint on 1.5” deep gallery wrapped canvas
Edges painted black

Set Apart is the concept I have in mind with this painting, and it is represented by the one rectangle off on it's own. The idea of being set apart came up in a sermon series at church earlier this year. The speaker used an illustration to show what it means to be set apart, saying that his toothbrush is set apart for his use and it ought not be used for cleaning things other than his teeth. That was a good illustration that has (obviously) stuck with me. 

Psalm 4:3 Know that the Lord has set apart
the faithful for himself;
the Lord will hear when I call to him.
