Untroubled Heart

Working Title - John 14:1-3
Today I am releasing a work that I finished and signed last week. I shared it on Instagram, and was encouraged by the response there. (By the way, usually Instagram is the first place you can see my work. I invite you click here to follow me.)

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have been working on a new series, and this is the first of the pieces that I have ready to post. It is rich with color, texture, and iridescent accents. I used collage, which I seldom do, and I find myself entranced by the work as a whole. The colors that come from layering and the textures are just fascinating. 

12" x 12"
Painted with artist quality heavy-body acrylic paint and mediums on 1.5” deep gallery wrapped canvas

This series has an interesting story. As often happens, the beginning concept came as "finished" ideas. But even when the concept is finished, there is often a big time gap as I work to plan the first layers and each step along the way. I have to make sure I know how to make the paint do what I see in my mind's eye, and then to see that it is actually an appealing work of art. 

Studies came first in this process, and then the beginning layers began to take form on all four canvases. (Since the series is not finished yet, it will remain to be seen whether all four work together and it actually becomes a series of four or not!) Also, this work is available individually even before the entire series is finished. 
detail of texture

I hit a point where I was struggling to know how to communicate more of the meaning behind the series, and how to bring enough light to the canvases. At the same time, I came across a tiny New Testament that was given to a young student many years ago, and the idea to use the pages in the paintings came to me. I love the Bible as the Word of God, and cannot imagine treating this book in a disrespectful or careless way, so this was a serious consideration for me. I immediately had four passages in mind to work from, and planning the layout and process of incorporation the collage was delightful. 

I have not titled the series yet, and the title I have given to this painting will be considered a 'working title' until the whole group has come together in a way that works well. 

The passage for this one is John 14:1 - 3. I have found much comfort and peace in knowing that Jesus Christ is preparing a place for me, and He has spoken peace to my troubled heart. I want these paintings to express the peace, hope, and the magnificence of God's promise to us. 

John 14:1-3 “Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.  In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. 

P.S. I am so very excited about a guest blogger coming in the next day or so! I hope you will keep an eye open for his post. (Woo-hoo!)

P.P.S I have updated this post with the new title, Untroubled Heart. 
