Singin' the Blues

Singin' the Blues
"Who is your favorite blues singer?" I asked my son over messenger. He is a luthier and works in a music store. He and I often compare notes on art and music. I find it especially interesting to learn about genres of music that are newer to me. I love to find music where the tune, instrumentation and style "say the same thing" as the lyrics. 

I feel the same way about visual art. To me, great art is art where the composition, style, and colors express the concept that may or may not be given in a title. There is just something so amazing about art - any of the arts, really - and the way they seem to open new communication or understanding. 

6" x 6" painted with the finest quality acrylic heavy-body paint on acid-free, heavy weight Fabriano watercolor paper

Ready to frame 

This painting has dark values, texture and edges, sharp contrast, and some glam in some parts. Of course, there is reference to a guitar, too. Depth and lostness, but at the same time hope and a safe place - at least musically - are some of the ideas that I think this little painting expresses. 

Here is a passage from the Bible that reminds me of 'the blues'. 
Psalm 139:7-12
Where shall I go from your Spirit?
    Or where shall I flee from your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, you are there!
    If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
If I take the wings of the morning
    and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
even there your hand shall lead me,
    and your right hand shall hold me.
If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me,
    and the light about me be night,”
even the darkness is not dark to you;
    the night is bright as the day,
    for darkness is as light with you.
