
"By the way, I am giving up ______ for Lent... along with a few other things..." 

Though I do not observe Lent in a traditional way, I love the idea of honoring Jesus Christ during this time before Good Friday and Easter in a special way. I have occasionally read a book during Lent, (this year I am reading The Singer by Calvin Miller - a beautiful story in poetry) but I seldom have thought about giving something up. This year, though, I have considered giving up certain "rights" and expectations. And I have to admit, it is overwhelming me! I will only succeed at this sacrifice if GOD steps in. 

24" x 30"
Painted with artist quality heavy-body acrylic paint on 1.5” deep gallery wrapped canvas

Click here to purchase on my website.

A couple of weeks ago, on her birthday, my mother-in-law suffered a stroke. She is healthy and active, and it has been a complete shock. She cares for my father-in-law, who needs assistance for many things, so as soon as we knew it was a stroke, my Beloved Husband and I headed to Florida to help wherever we could.  She has now been in a rehab hospital for a while, and may soon transition to a different facility nearer family in Indiana, and we are working to figure out how to work out the details. She is improving, but is giving up her independence and her expectations. And I have to admit, it is overwhelming. She will only succeed at this rehabilitation if GOD steps in. 

In this painting, the neutrals are used to create a beauty and a tension. They cause the color to shine more beautifully. The interest and possibilities are reigned in but deepened by this technique. Details become much more significant and draw the focus of the viewer. 
More beautiful with the sun shining on it...

During this absolutely crazy time our family has been going through, it is such a blessing to have instant communications available with family and friends. (Sometimes we want to smash our phones, I must admit, because we have to be on them almost constantly, but it is a gift from GOD that we are able to be in touch!) We communicate diagnoses and plans of action, responsibilities for different parts of this challenge and ways to carry out plans. We have to limit our choices to things that will facilitate the best possible situation for all involved, and change our expectations. And I have to admit, it is overwhelming to me. We will only succeed at loving, honoring, and caring for each other if GOD steps in. 

We appreciate your prayers for us. 
Coram Deo.

Isaiah 55:8-9 (HCSB)
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
and your ways are not My ways.”
This is the Lord’s declaration.
“For as heaven is higher than earth,
so My ways are higher than your ways,
and My thoughts than your thoughts."

Accepted entry: SALI National Abstract Art Exhibition XV


  1. Came here from your FB post and please know that although we don't know each other, we are both artists who love Him, and I want you to know I prayed for you, your family and especially your mom-in-law on the spot here this morning, for healing for her, for peace and comfort for your family and refreshment from the Lord for you. And the colors in that piece are like bright ribbons peeking out from the cleft in the rock; love the effect. Peace, sister.

  2. A difficult time, indeed. Holy Spirit will step in wherever He is invited, He is faithful!
    Your thoughts about giving up rights and expectations reminds me that we are to "reckon ourselves dead in Christ"; the dead have no expectations. Never the less, wrapping our poor human brains around that concept is hard and takes practice. May all of you be wrapped in his love.

    1. Thanks, Janet! We have seen Him at work, but it is not an easy time. But He is faithful.


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