The Lord Is Near

The Lord is Near
This morning in my time with God, I was reading in the Psalms in the Old Testament,  and in Philippians in the New Testament. Sometimes, every verse seems to have something to make me stop and take some kind of action - prayer, meditating on the meaning, looking up similar passages, and so on. Today's Psalm was about the contrast between the righteous man and the wicked person who has "no dread of God before his eyes". It felt meaningful, but didn't hit me quite like passages sometimes do. 

But then I turned to Philippians 4, a favorite passage of many people including me! And there was the sentence to stop me in my tracks. 

11" x 14"
Painted with the finest quality heavy-body acrylic paint on acid-free, heavy weight Fabriano watercolor paper
Ready to frame

Click here to view on my website. 

Phil 4:4-5 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your graciousness be known to everyone. The Lord is near

Isn't that just amazing? The Lord. Is near! Wow. Amid the storms and uproar of life, and the heartache and struggle - rejoice! Oh, I love that!

As usual, I wish you could see this in person! The color is so rich, and there are characteristics that are invisible to the camera that are so captivating in person. A picture of turbulence, yet with beauty overall, the painting expresses motion and contrast.  There is iridescent gold at the focal point, representing GOD. 
