


11" x 14"
Painted with the finest quality heavy-body acrylic paint on acid-free, heavy weight Fabriano watercolor paper
Ready to frame

Contact me to purchase. 

Though I live a blessed life, and love being able to do what I love (painting and homemaking), still I sometimes yearn for my eternal heavenly home with my Savior. Not only do I anticipate seeing HIS face (absolutely mind-boggling!), but I look forward to having everything in order, the way it should be. 

I see the fractures and deep chasms in our culture which seem to grow worse and worse. Each of us thinks that we stand on the high moral ground, and we can't understand why 'they' don't see it. I have noticed, too, that most people, from both 'sides', don't want to be divided. It would seem that everyone knows that life isn't supposed to be this way...

Without an eternal perspective, I would be tempted to feel so discouraged. I just cannot see how the divide can be spanned. But here is my hope. 

Psalm 39:7 (NASB) "And now, Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in Thee."

Psalm 121:2 (NASB) "My help comes from the LORD who make heaven and earth."
