Full Circle

Full Circle I am so excited to share this painting! I have been working on it for a long time, and I love the way it turned out. (I recently heard that some artists don't like their own paintings... I like almost all of mine, at least when I first release them.) Studio time has been hard to come by recently due to having had the flu, lots of travel, and my dear son's upcoming wedding - woo-hoo! So I am so very pleased to finish this one. 48" x 48" Painted with artist quality heavy-body acrylic paint on 1.5” deep gallery wrapped canvas Edges painted black Click here to view or purchase on my website. I know it is tough to tell from the photo that only shows the painting, but this is a large work, and the small squares on it are about 3.5" square individual little works. They were blocked out and painted white and started fresh after all of the rest of the canvas was finished. Well, there is so much to say about this painting! The very first layer, in enormous pu...