January Thunder repost
January Thunder, 2017 The other day, I was reminded of this painting when it came up on my social media feed. I had not posted it on my website yet, and hadn't thought much about it in a while. But I got it out and spent a little time looking at it again, and I really love some of the things I see in it! I feel like I would like to go to that place, because it seems beautiful and peaceful. It also looks slightly cold, and I find that less appealing (ha ha!) 9" x 12" Painted with the finest quality acrylic heavy-body paint on canvas panel Ready to frame Click here to view or purchase on my website. Our January has been full of some interruptions again this year, with travel plans and exhibit opportunities disappearing at the last moment. January Thunder was painted and posted in 2017 (click here to see original blog post) It would seem that the adjustments that year, which I don't remember, by the way, were brought to my mind by an out-of-the-ordinary January thun...