Still around...

Collage of recently sold work
Yes, it has been a very long time since I have posted anything much on my blog! I have had the privilege of being more involved in the "art world", and consequently have had a lot less time in the studio. As much as I enjoy meeting and interacting with people, and sharing my art in new ways, I really, REALLY miss being in my studio!

The collage here (very easily made using Picmonkey - you should try it!) is a grouping of my work sold in the last week or two. Each sale was so special to me. Each one will have memories connected with it for me. And in each case, I feel that more was going on than just "selling a painting". It has been a great privilege to be able to share my work that points to my Heavenly Father with those who now have these reminders in their homes or workplace!

And now, although I still have several new opportunities in front of me, I am heading to my studio! Have a day of seeing beauty, and enjoying the One Who created it!

*Coram Deo. 

(a Latin phrase meaning "before the face of God", or "in the presence of God")
