This Little Gem

This Little Gem
You might have heard other artists say that sometimes a painting just sneaks up and surprises them or that it tells them what to do next and lets them know when it is finished. Well, this one is pretty close to that kind of painting. 

$130.00 plus shipping and handling
8" x 8"
Painted with artist quality heavy-body acrylic paint on 1.5” deep gallery wrapped canvas
Edges painted black

I have been trying to pay attention to elegant composition more often, or at least to using composition in a non-academic way. Part of my practice in that area has been to study other artists work and read more about composition from older sources. I have been examining all kinds of paintings from landscape and portrait art to abstraction and even calligraphy and commercial art. I have to admit, I love these studies! 

Several times in the last few days I have run across the idea that end results are not my responsibility, but faithfulness - doing the work - is my responsibility. In some respects, this should be a given, since there just aren't very many times when we actually have control over results. But it has been helpful to be reminded. Surprisingly. You know those times when it is difficult to see any progress in the work that you do? I have to admit that sometimes it is much easier to default to the work that shows, you know, like dishes or mowing or laundry, rather than the work that is more important but that doesn't show up on the checklist. 

These nuggets were the most eye-catching of this morning's Bible reading. 

1 Thessalonians 1:4 For we know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that he has chosen you,
1 Thessalonians 5:24 He who calls you is faithful; he will do it. 

As usual, I am not sure whether this makes sense when I write what I am thinking, but for me, these two verses actually fit very well with the idea of doing the work and not being responsible for a good result. Maybe you can understand the connection better then I can express it in words. Part of my calling as an artist is to do the work. Study. Paint. Blog and post. And the result is not my responsibility. The One who has called me to express my thoughts in this way is faithful, and He is responsible. 
