Some Glad Morning

Some Glad Morning
On one of my morning walks, I took a photo of this wild rose with a few tightly closed buds. I loved the darker foreground with the brightly lit distant view. I decided I wanted to try to paint the scene using a palette knife on a wood panel, and I loved playing with the design of the painting.

$240.00 plus shipping and handling
12" x 9"
Painted with artist quality heavy-body acrylic paint on wood panel
Black floater frame

Maybe you recognize where the title for this work comes from. There is a joy-filled hymn (or gospel song) called I'll Fly Away, and these are the opening words. It is a song that many love to sing, and it has such delightful harmonies, but it is a song with a message that may surprise some. 

Here are the full lyrics:
Some Glad Morning When This Life Is O'er,
I’ll Fly Away;
To A Home On God’s Celestial Shore,
I’ll Fly Away.
Chorus: I’ll Fly Away, O Glory,
I’ll Fly Away;
When I Die, Hallelujah, By And By,
I’ll Fly Away.
When The Shadows Of This Life Have Gone,
I’ll Fly Away;
Like A Bird From Prison Bars Has Flown,
I’ll Fly Away.
Just A Few More Weary Days And Then,
I’ll Fly Away;
To A Land Where Joys Shall Never End,
I’ll Fly Away.

Something that has surprised me with this painting is that I have managed to paint a somewhat representational painting that carries a message that is more than just a pretty scene. I love trying to do that with my abstract works, but it is less common for me to be able to communicate in that way with something 'recognizable'. 

I'm about to get pedantic here, but I want you to see what I mean. I found the rose to be beautiful, though it was in a darkened foreground, and also there were tightly closed buds of promise around the flower. The distance that is not clearly seen is bright and appealing. And the message: Though I sometimes see only the dark, difficult things in these times, my days contain beauty, and things for which I am SO VERY THANKFUL. And things that promise future beauty, even here in the darker present. And in the distance, "when I die, hallelujah, by and by..." there is the promise of life with the Savior, Who I love more than life. 

Psalm 143:8 Let me experience
Your faithful love in the morning,
for I trust in You.
Reveal to me the way I should go
because I long for You.

Romans 10:8-9 If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. One believes with the heart, resulting in righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, resulting in salvation.
