My Boyfriend's Back

My Boyfriend's Back
My Boyfriend's Back (and You're Gonna Be in Trouble) 
Do you remember this song from the Chiffons? I think it was from the 50s or the 60s. I chose this unlikely title because (drum roll please) Finally! My Beloved Husband is home from a week and a half in Paraguay, South America, and I am so glad he's home! My plan was to be very productive in the studio while he was away, but alas, I think the Muse went to South America with him. I was productive in the sense of putting gesso on canvases, studying art from other artists, rearranging and organizing tools and studio space... But while I did have studio time every day, and I now have probably 10 starts on paintings, I could not bring anything to the point where I was even kind of happy with my progress. 

160.00 plus shipping and handling
8" x 10"
Painted with artist quality heavy-body acrylic paint on acid-free, heavy weight Fabriano watercolor paper
Ready to frame
Click here to view or purchase on my website. 

So today I am sharing a small work that I have finished today since he got back at zero-dark-thirty this morning. I wanted to express that, while I kept my ducks pretty much in a row, (see previous painting), I am looking forward to things getting back into better balance! And I am hoping for more productive painting time.

Another way I kept up my studio practice while he was gone is painting this small portrait. I am not sure that it is a very close resemblance to my model, or to her cat either, but it was a good way to keep paint on my brushes, so to speak. The entire painting was done with three colors of paint from Golden Acrylics, (by far my favorite brand of paint), Dioxazine Purple, Yellow Ochre, and Titanium White. 

7" x 5"
Painted with artist quality heavy-body acrylic paint on canvas panel
Ready to frame

I am so thankful for the safety, and the good days we each had while my BH was gone. Loose ends were taken care of (for the most part) and as soon as we catch up on a little sleep (he traveled 26 hours straight, and I was up a lot during the night trying to be ready to go pick him up!), we hope for good things to come. 

Psalm 27:14
Wait for the Lord;
Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for the Lord.
