My Boyfriend's Back

My Boyfriend's Back My Boyfriend's Back (and You're Gonna Be in Trouble) Do you remember this song from the Chiffons? I think it was from the 50s or the 60s. I chose this unlikely title because (drum roll please) Finally! My Beloved Husband is home from a week and a half in Paraguay, South America, and I am so glad he's home! My plan was to be very productive in the studio while he was away, but alas, I think the Muse went to South America with him. I was productive in the sense of putting gesso on canvases, studying art from other artists, rearranging and organizing tools and studio space... But while I did have studio time every day, and I now have probably 10 starts on paintings, I could not bring anything to the point where I was even kind of happy with my progress. 160.00 plus shipping and handling 8" x 10" Painted with artist quality heavy-body acrylic paint on acid-free, heavy weight Fabriano watercolor paper Ready to frame Click here to view or purc...