This morning I got up and got dressed in my painting clothes - orange t-shirt, (I look sickly in orange), black knit pants (WITH pockets) and mismatched socks (obviously). We got home very late last night after celebrating my daughter's birthday in Michigan, and so I was a bit foggy and sluggish to start out. Suddenly I realized that I had a deadline to meet - art to deliver to a contest/exhibition that is an hour away. I usually try to be a bit organized, but... I am becoming more and more creative, and less and less organized. (That's what I keep telling myself. Age has nothing to do with it.) SO, I changed into a different 'artist costume', the looking decent if a bit creative in public costume, and ventured out to find this new-to-me locale. I have discovered that it would be a great idea to visit these places before I decide which pieces to enter, because sometimes my preconceived notions of what is 'good art' to them are completely mistaken! Thankfully, the venue was very easy to find. Part of piece called Foundation Stones 6" x 6" acrylic on canvas panel ready to frame
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