Hopeful, a solo exhibit, and summer review

Offering, 2016
Will be available in my upcoming
solo exhibit
"The best-laid schemes of mice and men
Go oft awry,"

This quote from the Robert Burns poem "To a Mouse, on Turning Her Up in Her Nest With the Plough, November, 1785" sure seems apt for this summer! How has your summer gone? Have things gone as expected for you? But I will return to that conversation in a few minutes.

First, I want to share that I have been invited to have a solo exhibit in the Indianapolis area for the month of October, and I would love to have you see it. The announcement on my website can be seen here, and I have also made a Facebook event for those who follow my social media. There will be a reception on Friday,  October 11 from  6:00 - 8:00 at the Off Broadway Gallery, South Side Art League, 299 E Broadway, Greenwood, Indiana 46143

Substance of Things Hoped For, 2018

The exhibit will feature both older and newer paintings, many of them award winning works, and sizes from 2.5" x 3" up to 48" x 48". I also am planning to have a small collection of works on paper as a special offer for this event. Hopeful, a solo exhibit is the title of this show. 

1 Peter 3:15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,

I mentioned my plans 'went oft awry' this year, and it has been a mix of encouraging and discouraging things that have caused many of the interruptions. At the beginning of 2024, I set a few goals for my art journey, including painting 50 new canvases, and sending out newsletters from my website (which is a different newsletter from this one which comes from my blog posts) at least once a month. Well, I was doing pretty well until this summer. Whew! It has taken a lot of surprising turns. 

She's With Me, 2021

My dear mother has been in and out of the hospital, and will be facing some changes in the coming days. While I have only had a few days in MN with her, it has still been keeping my mind and heart occupied. We have had storm damage in the last week, (though not to our house, I am thankful to say,)  property disputes, and paperwork issues with my exhibit preparation. 

On a more encouraging note, I was able to attend a workshop with the well known and delightful artist Chantel Lynn Barber! She is an internationally recognized and awarded artist who paints portraits, and I will share my favorite of my paintings from her class. 

Well, of course there is much, much more I could say, but this is more than enough for today. Maybe I will see you in Indy! 
