Call To Me

Call to Me
My shoulders relaxed and my eyes lifted as I read
Jeremiah 33:3 (NASB)  Call to me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.

The tension going out of my system surprised me a bit. I had not really recognized the strain of trying to get back into a routine. Since I am returning my studio and painting, which I love, and am cooking less, (which just makes me SO happy), shouldn't I have been feeling pretty fresh? Able to put my feet up, metaphorically speaking? 

9" x 12"
Painted with the finest quality acrylic heavy-body paint on canvas panel
Ready to frame

Red is a color that I use only sparingly - in fact, if there is a color that I don't like, it is red. But since it has been cold and snowy here, I have been just feeling like I need warmth, and what color could be warmer than red!? Since it is not one of my regular stable of colors, though, it takes more effort to get something that I am happy with. It is a stretch for me. 

Which brings me back to the tension and the relief I felt when I read that verse. A stretch. That is what I need physically after the holiday time of travel and different food and sitting more often and doing things I am not used to. And it is what I am finding need of spiritually, too. I need to engage - read my Bible more, pray, be aware of my Loving Father's hand in my daily activities. So no wonder I felt loosed by reading that HE will answer when I call. 

Coram Deo.
