My grandmother was a beautiful socialite in the 1920s, according to family tradition. We actually have a couple of photos of her from that time doing a 'scarf dance' with friends. I think my artistic 'soul' came through my grandmother. She had a gorgeous singing voice, and an infectious, tinkling giggle when I was a small child.
SOLD 6" x 6" Painted with Golden Open Acrylic paint on acid-free, heavy weight Fabriano watercolor paper
My first try with Golden Open Acrylics, this little 6 x 6 figure sketch turned out well! I love it, and am looking forward to practicing and learning more about and with Open Acrylics! Today, on social media, both of my kids announced that they are accepted and attending seminary this coming fall! Amazing to me! So today, my thoughts are on heritage. Both the heritage I received, and the one that my Beloved Husband and I pass on. This verse says it perfectly. Psalm 16:6 "The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me."
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