Can You Hear Me?
Can You Hear Me? "Can you hear me?" a voice asks, and if you answer "yes", then ( apparently ) your identity is stolen in a new scam that is currently going around. Every once in a while, I get pretty exasperated by all of the warnings. Don't answer that. Don't go there by yourself. Don't eat that. Secure that with a lock/password/system. Make sure you prepare for that. Save that. *sigh* SOLD 48" x 48" painted with the finest quality heavy-body acrylic paint on 1.5" deep canvas What fun it has been, painting on such a big canvas! I have to admit, though, it is a little intimidating. I had to remind myself frequently that I could paint over anything I didn't like. (And actually, that I LIKE painting over paintings that just don't cut it.) In this large work, there are small dot-like shapes that seem to float over a landscape. Many of them are iridescent copper-colored. To me, they represent communication. Everything ...