
Showing posts from October, 2016

Two studies

Crow Landing Study Today I am sharing two studies I did that I really like. I painted these birds with palette knife on tracing paper. I didn't trace them though. I wanted to be able to see through the paper to fit them to a background to see which I preferred on another painting.  Crow Landing Study 7" x 6.5" acrylic image painted on 9" x 12" 25 lb. acid free tracing paper Well, I like the studies so much that if they don't sell, I will frame them and hang them in my solo exhibit in December!  Perched Crow Study Perched Crow Study 6" x 6" acrylic image painted on 9" x 12" 25 lb. acid free tracing paper If you would like to purchase both, please contact me to pay only one  S & H fee. 

Emerald City

Emerald City "My parents made me watch that when I was young, and it scared me so much! I don't like it. I don't want to watch it," he said. This adult friend still won't watch the Wizard of Oz, and hasn't since that time in his childhood. As I recall, there are LOTS of scary things in that movie, especially for a child!  In a couple of weeks, I am going to go behind a (proverbial) curtain to pull levers and push buttons and try to make my country seem to be ruled by someone who can really manage - can protect us and keep everything going the right way. Well. I suspect my efforts will be even less successful than the 'wizard's' were.  Part of piece called  Foundation Stones 6" x 6" acrylic on canvas panel  ready to frame   This little green painting is actually going to replace another 'emerald' painting I did that I was NOT happy with. I do like this one so very much better! This painting will probably go in the Reve...

Chrysolite (or peridot)

Chrysolite What a beautiful day it is today - though maybe a bit warm for Autumn. I have alternately been in my studio painting (and posting!) and outside enjoying the beautiful color and sounds of fall. How in the world is a girl to decide whether to be soaking up these rare days, or to be producing new paintings?!  SOLD 6" x 6" acrylic on canvas panel  ready to frame   Actually, this thought comes to me in part because of some discussions with my (musician) son and some podcasts I have been recently enjoying.   One of the artists that has inspired me greatly is Makoto Fujimura  and I have been listening to some of his ideas and considering how they fit into my life as an artist. It has been helpful for prioritizing, at times - so that is part of the reason for spending time enjoying the fall color today. Taking time to enjoy it, not just walking by and thinking "That's pretty".  Chrysolite brings me nearer the end of this series of small pa...

Topaz the Third

Topaz the Third "Well, I would really like one of those sticks with veggies and stuff on it, if we have time..." my husband said. It looks like this may be one of the first beautiful Fridays this fall, so we want to go and make a fire and cook over it and enjoy the beauty. But oh boy! I don't have much time! Part of piece called  Foundation Stones 6" x 6" acrylic on canvas panel  ready to frame       Another in my series, this is an abstract based on the inspiration of a topaz as mentioned in Revelation 21:19 - 20 The foundations of the city wall were adorned with every kind of precious stone: the first foundation jasper, the second sapphire, the third chalcedony, the fourth emerald, 20 the fifth sardonyx, the sixth carnelian,(sardius) the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz , the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst. Gotta go pack a picnic! Reference photo for topaz


Carnelian "I think it is time to get on Instagram," I thought to myself. I listen regularly to an art marketing podcast called Artists Helping Artists , and they have been promoting Instagram for artists to use in our online presence for quite a while. I just hadn't decided to jump on yet... maybe this will be the day. Part of piece called  Foundation Stones 6" x 6" acrylic on canvas panel  ready to frame       My studio has been busy today, as I have been preparing some handcrafted cradled panels with gesso for a large diptych I am hoping to paint, cleaning brushes, and working on this and other paintings. Carnelian is still part of the series I started with the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge - stones mentioned in the Bible. This one has a lot of iridescence in it as I try to represent an agate-like red stone. (see link at the end of the blog post for a reference photo) Today it was nice to have a theme to keep me painting. No blank canvas freeze, ...

Pearl - SOLD

Pearl Lustrous, with a deep, subtle beauty, a pearl, when mentioned in the Bible, references something of extraordinary value. I find that to be so interesting on a philosophical level, since a pearl is formed because of an irritation. And seemingly, the longer the irritant is present, the larger and more precious the pearl becomes. Evidently the many thin layers of a pearl are what cause the iridescence that is so fascinating and beautiful.  SOLD 6" x 6" acrylic on canvas panel  The beauty of this natural illustration seems obvious to me. It models GOD, the Creator, bringing about loveliness from difficult situations, in my life and in all of HIS creation. How precious it is to me that HE will bring about grace and beauty from adversity! (I have to admit, though, the thought of enduring an irritant for a long time is not at all appealing!) Job 28:12-19 12 “But where shall wisdom be found?     And where is the place of understanding?  ... 17 Go...

Here I Go Again

Here I Go Again Though the story of this work may not seem remarkable to you, the construction of this painting made an impact on me, more than my paintings often do. It actually started life (so to speak) as an experimental portrait of my daughter. In it I used a photo reference, but no 'aids'. Just paint and brushes. I liked it, and saw her in it, but it was at a very uncomfortable state between expressionism and abstraction which definitely did not work for a portrait! Still, it was nearly impossible to spread paint over that dear face!  On the other hand, I knew where this painting was going. It was actually inspired by a song ( My Redeemer by Matthew Ward  ) and my own painting called Gold II  . And it was fitting, in an odd way, to hide my daughter's face under the glory of the new painting. The idea of being covered - made beautiful - by My Redeemer was continually playing in my mind as I painted. I just wish I could let you see a glimpse of the beauty and de...


Sardonyx Since the end of Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 painting challenge, I have had a full few days! The usual lull has hit, as far as completing a daily painting is concerned, but I have been in my studio more than I had been before hand. I am looking forward to making some of the small paintings I did into larger ones, and also to finishing up the paintings I didn't get accomplished during the month of September. (I think I still have 7 to go.)  Part of piece called  Foundation Stones 6" x 6" acrylic on canvas panel  ready to frame       Today's painting is the sardonyx, the gemstone mentioned fifth in the passage about the foundation of the city in Revelation 21. As I turned back to look at the Bible again to reread this section, I noticed more particularly the preceding verses, and oh!, they are beautiful! Revelation 21:3-4 (HCSB) "Then I heard a loud voice from the throne: Look! God’s dwelling is with humanity,  and He will live with them...